BME280 Based Mini Weather Station using ESP8266/ESP32

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a BME280 Based Mini Weather Station using ESP8266/ESP32. BME280 is a Barometric Pressure Sensor that provides real-time data of Atmospheric Pressure, Temperature & Humidity. Not only that but using BME280 we can also measure the altitude above sea level.
Overview: BME280 Based Mini Weather Station
The BME280 is fairly simple to use, pre-calibrated, and does not require additional components. You can just start measuring relative humidity, temperature, barometric pressure, and approximate Altitude in no time. So here we will just interface BME280 barometric pressure sensor with NodeMCU ESP8266/ESP32 WiFi Module. And finally, display all the measured parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, and altitude on the webpage.

What is BME280 based mini weather station?
A mini weather station is a simple device that collects information related to the weather & environment using different sensors. Actually, there are two types of weather stations, one which is having own sensors and the second type of weather station doesn’t have its own sensor. It pulls data from other weather station servers using IoT devices. In this tutorial, we will go for the first one, i.e. we will design our own mini weather station by using a single BME280 sensor
You can check some more projects related to Weather Station and BME280:
- Simple Weather station using Arduino & BME280 Barometric Pressure Sensor
- NodeMCU ESP8266 Monitoring DHT11/DHT22 Temperature and Humidity with Local Web Server
- Interfacing Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Arduino
Components Required
The following are the components required for making BME280 Based Mini Weather Station Using ESP8266/ESP32. All the components are easily available. All the components can be purchased from Amazon via the links provided below.
S.N | Components Name | Description | Quantity | ![]() |
1 | ESP32 Module | ESP-WROOM-32 ESP32 ESP-32S Development Board | 1 | |
2 | ESP8266 Module | NodeMCU ESP8266 12E Board | 1 | |
3 | BME280 | Barometric Pressure Sensor | 1 | |
4 | Jumper Wires | Male to Male Jumper Wires | 4 | |
5 | Breadboard | Solderless Breadboard MIni | 1 | |
BME280 Pressure, Temperature & Humidity Sensor

The Bosch BME280 humidity, temperature, and pressure sensor is an integrated environmental sensor that’s very small in size with low power consumption. This BME280 atmospheric sensor breakout is a straightforward way to measure high barometric pressure, humidity, and temperature readings without taking over much space. Generally, anything you need to know about atmospheric conditions you’ll be able to determine from this little breakout.

This module uses an environmental sensor manufactured by Bosch with temperature, a barometric pressure sensor. Actually, this is another generation upgrade to the popular BMP085 / BMP180 / BMP183 sensor. This sensor is ideal for all kinds of weather sensing and can be used on both I2C and SPI! This precision sensor from Bosch is a sensible solution for measuring barometric pressure with excellent low cost, ±1 hPa absolute accuracy, and temperature ±1.0°C. because of the pressure changes with altitude, and therefore the pressure measurement is so good, you’ll be able to use it as an altimeter with a time accuracy of ±1 meter.

Features of BME280
- Interface: I2C & SPI
- Supply Voltage: 1.71V to 3.6V
- Temperature Range: -40 to +85°C
- Humidity Range: 0% to 100% rel. humidity
- Pressure Range: 300hPa to 1100hPa
- Humidity sensor and pressure sensor can be independently enabled/disabled
Applications of BME280
- Context awareness, as an example, skin detection, room change detection
- Health monitoring/welfare
- Home automation control
- Control heating, ventilation, air-con (HVAC)
- The internet of Things
- GPS enhancement and indoor/outdoor navigation
- Weather forecast
- Vertical velocity signal (increase/sync speed)
BME280 Pinout
The BME280 I2C interface uses the following PIN:

1. VCC: 1.71V to 3.6V
2. GND: Connect to GND
3. SCL: serial clock (SCK)
4. SDA: Serial data (SDI)
5. CSB: Must be connected to VDDIO to select the I2C interface.
6. SDO: The I2C address decides the pin. If SDO connects to GND(0), the address is 0x76, if it connects to VDDIO(1), the address is 0x77. In this module, we have connected it to VDDIO, so the address should be 0x77.
BME280 I2C interface
The module features a straightforward two-wire I2C interface which will be easily interfaced with any microcontroller I2C pin. The default I2C address of the BME280 module is 0x76 and may be easily changed to 0x7777.
There are two different BME280s available within the market whose I2C addresses are often changed. For the module below, if you disconnect from SDO to GND, the address will change to 0x77 too.

There is another module available within the market which has only 4 pins. Find a solder jumper in addition to the chip to alter its I2C address.
By default, the center copper pad is attached to the left pad. So you need to scratch the connection between the dissection and the left copper pad. Then you’ll add an incandescent bulb between the center and right copper pads. this enables you to line the I2C address to 0x77.

Interfacing BME280 with ESP8266/ESP32 Wifi Module
Now lets Wire BME280 Barometric Pressure Sensor with ESP8266 to make a simple Mini Weather Station. Connect the SDA SCL pins of BME280 to ESP8266 I2C GPIO Pins, i.e. D2 & D1 Pins respectively.

Similarly, the BME280 Barometric Pressure Sensor is interfaced with ESP32. Let’s connect the SDA SCL pins of BME280 to ESP32 I2C GPIO Pins, i.e. GPIO22 & GPIO21 Pins respectively.

Source Code/Program
The source code/program for BME280 Based Mini Weather Station using the ESP8266/ESP32 WiFi module is given below. You can copy this code and upload it to your ESP board.
But before that, you have to install two libraries, namely BME280 library and Adfruit Unified Sensor library. For this, you can open the Library Manager on Arduino IDE and search these two libraries.

BME280 Based Weather Station Code Explanation
Required Library header file for ESP8266 NodeMCU and ESP32 are defined on the first step. ESP8266WebServer.h and WebServer.h library help us setting up a server and handle incoming HTTP requests. Similarly, Wire.h library communicates with any I2C device, not just BME280. Adafruit_BME280.h & Adafruit_Sensor.h libraries are hardware-specific libraries that handle lower-level functions.
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_BME280.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
Next we create an object of the sensor and variables to store temperature, humidity, pressure and altitude respectively.
#define SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA (1013.25)
Adafruit_BME280 bme;
float temperature, humidity, pressure, altitude;
As we are configuring ESP8266 and ESP32 in Station (STA) mode, it will join the existing WiFi network. Hence, we need to provide it with our network’s credentials like SSID & Password. Next, we start webserver at port 80.
/*Put your SSID & Password*/
const char* ssid = "YourNetworkName"; // Enter SSID here
const char* password = "YourPassword"; //Enter Password here
ESP8266WebServer server(80);
Designing Professional webpage. A little effort can make your web page look more attractive and professional. The below screenshot will give you a basic idea of what we done to design this webpage.
String SendHTML(float temperature,float humidity,float pressure,float altitude){
String ptr = "<!DOCTYPE html>";
ptr +="<html>";
ptr +="<head>";
ptr +="<title>ESP8266 Weather Station</title>";
ptr +="<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>";
ptr +="<link href=',400,600' rel='stylesheet'>";
ptr +="<style>";
ptr +="html { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;color: #444444;}";
ptr +="body{margin: 0px;} ";
ptr +="h1 {margin: 50px auto 30px;} ";
ptr +=".side-by-side{display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;position: relative;}";
ptr +=".text{font-weight: 600;font-size: 19px;width: 200px;}";
ptr +=".reading{font-weight: 300;font-size: 50px;padding-right: 25px;}";
ptr +=".temperature .reading{color: #F29C1F;}";
ptr +=".humidity .reading{color: #3B97D3;}";
ptr +=".pressure .reading{color: #26B99A;}";
ptr +=".altitude .reading{color: #955BA5;}";
ptr +=".superscript{font-size: 17px;font-weight: 600;position: absolute;top: 10px;}";
ptr +=".data{padding: 10px;}";
ptr +=".container{display: table;margin: 0 auto;}";
ptr +=".icon{width:65px}";
ptr +="</style>";
ptr +="</head>";
ptr +="<body>";
ptr +="<h1>ESP8266 Weather Station</h1>";
ptr +="<div class='container'>";
ptr +="<div class='data temperature'>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 19.438 54.003'height=54.003px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 19.438 54.003'width=19.438px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M11.976,8.82v-2h4.084V6.063C16.06,2.715,13.345,0,9.996,0H9.313C5.965,0,3.252,2.715,3.252,6.063v30.982";
ptr +="C1.261,38.825,0,41.403,0,44.286c0,5.367,4.351,9.718,9.719,9.718c5.368,0,9.719-4.351,9.719-9.718";
ptr +="c0-2.943-1.312-5.574-3.378-7.355V18.436h-3.914v-2h3.914v-2.808h-4.084v-2h4.084V8.82H11.976z M15.302,44.833";
ptr +="c0,3.083-2.5,5.583-5.583,5.583s-5.583-2.5-5.583-5.583c0-2.279,1.368-4.236,3.326-5.104V24.257C7.462,23.01,8.472,22,9.719,22";
ptr +="s2.257,1.01,2.257,2.257V39.73C13.934,40.597,15.302,42.554,15.302,44.833z'fill=#F29C21 /></g></svg>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Temperature</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr +=(int)temperature;
ptr +="<span class='superscript'>°C</span></div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='data humidity'>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 29.235 40.64'height=40.64px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 29.235 40.64'width=29.235px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><path d='M14.618,0C14.618,0,0,17.95,0,26.022C0,34.096,6.544,40.64,14.618,40.64s14.617-6.544,14.617-14.617";
ptr +="C29.235,17.95,14.618,0,14.618,0z M13.667,37.135c-5.604,0-10.162-4.56-10.162-10.162c0-0.787,0.638-1.426,1.426-1.426";
ptr +="c0.787,0,1.425,0.639,1.425,1.426c0,4.031,3.28,7.312,7.311,7.312c0.787,0,1.425,0.638,1.425,1.425";
ptr +="C15.093,36.497,14.455,37.135,13.667,37.135z'fill=#3C97D3 /></svg>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Humidity</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr +=(int)humidity;
ptr +="<span class='superscript'>%</span></div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='data pressure'>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 40.542 40.541'height=40.541px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 40.542 40.541'width=40.542px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M34.313,20.271c0-0.552,0.447-1,1-1h5.178c-0.236-4.841-2.163-9.228-5.214-12.593l-3.425,3.424";
ptr +="c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293c-0.391-0.391-0.391-1.023,0-1.414l3.425-3.424";
ptr +="c-3.375-3.059-7.776-4.987-12.634-5.215c0.015,0.067,0.041,0.13,0.041,0.202v4.687c0,0.552-0.447,1-1,1s-1-0.448-1-1V0.25";
ptr +="c0-0.071,0.026-0.134,0.041-0.202C14.39,0.279,9.936,2.256,6.544,5.385l3.576,3.577c0.391,0.391,0.391,1.024,0,1.414";
ptr +="c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293L5.142,6.812c-2.98,3.348-4.858,7.682-5.092,12.459h4.804";
ptr +="c0.552,0,1,0.448,1,1s-0.448,1-1,1H0.05c0.525,10.728,9.362,19.271,20.22,19.271c10.857,0,19.696-8.543,20.22-19.271h-5.178";
ptr +="C34.76,21.271,34.313,20.823,34.313,20.271z M23.084,22.037c-0.559,1.561-2.274,2.372-3.833,1.814";
ptr +="c-1.561-0.557-2.373-2.272-1.815-3.833c0.372-1.041,1.263-1.737,2.277-1.928L25.2,7.202L22.497,19.05";
ptr +="C23.196,19.843,23.464,20.973,23.084,22.037z'fill=#26B999 /></g></svg>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Pressure</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr +=(int)pressure;
ptr +="<span class='superscript'>hPa</span></div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='data altitude'>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 58.422 40.639'height=40.639px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 58.422 40.639'width=58.422px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M58.203,37.754l0.007-0.004L42.09,9.935l-0.001,0.001c-0.356-0.543-0.969-0.902-1.667-0.902";
ptr +="c-0.655,0-1.231,0.32-1.595,0.808l-0.011-0.007l-0.039,0.067c-0.021,0.03-0.035,0.063-0.054,0.094L22.78,37.692l0.008,0.004";
ptr +="c-0.149,0.28-0.242,0.594-0.242,0.934c0,1.102,0.894,1.995,1.994,1.995v0.015h31.888c1.101,0,1.994-0.893,1.994-1.994";
ptr +="C58.422,38.323,58.339,38.024,58.203,37.754z'fill=#955BA5 /><path d='M19.704,38.674l-0.013-0.004l13.544-23.522L25.13,1.156l-0.002,0.001C24.671,0.459,23.885,0,22.985,0";
ptr +="c-0.84,0-1.582,0.41-2.051,1.038l-0.016-0.01L20.87,1.114c-0.025,0.039-0.046,0.082-0.068,0.124L0.299,36.851l0.013,0.004";
ptr +="C0.117,37.215,0,37.62,0,38.059c0,1.412,1.147,2.565,2.565,2.565v0.015h16.989c-0.091-0.256-0.149-0.526-0.149-0.813";
ptr +="C19.405,39.407,19.518,39.019,19.704,38.674z'fill=#955BA5 /></g></svg>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Altitude</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr +=(int)altitude;
ptr +="<span class='superscript'>m</span></div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="</body>";
ptr +="</html>";
return ptr;

Pretty amazing, Right?
Now copy the following ESP8266/ESP32 code to Arduino IDE. Choose your correct board and COM Port. Finally, Compile and upload it to your ESP board.
Program Code for NodeMCU ESP8266
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_BME280.h>
#define SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA (1013.25)
Adafruit_BME280 bme;
float temperature, humidity, pressure, altitude;
const char* ssid = "Alsan Air WiFi 4"; // Enter SSID here
const char* password = "11122235122@kap"; //Enter Password here
ESP8266WebServer server(80);
void setup() {
Serial.println("Connecting to ");
//Connect to your local wi-fi network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
//check wi-fi is connected to wi-fi network
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected..!");
Serial.print("Got IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
server.on("/", handle_OnConnect);
Serial.println("HTTP server started");
void loop() {
void handle_OnConnect() {
temperature = bme.readTemperature();
humidity = bme.readHumidity();
pressure = bme.readPressure() / 100.0F;
altitude = bme.readAltitude(SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA);
server.send(200, "text/html", SendHTML(temperature, humidity, pressure, altitude));
void handle_NotFound() {
server.send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");
String SendHTML(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure, float altitude) {
String ptr = "<!DOCTYPE html>";
ptr += "<html>";
ptr += "<head>";
ptr += "<title>ESP Mini Weather Station</title>";
ptr += "<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>";
ptr += "<link href=',400,600' rel='stylesheet'>";
ptr += "<style>";
ptr += "html { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;color: #444444;}";
ptr += "body{margin: 0px;} ";
ptr += "h1 {margin: 50px auto 30px;} ";
ptr += ".side-by-side{display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;position: relative;}";
ptr += ".text{font-weight: 600;font-size: 19px;width: 200px;}";
ptr += ".reading{font-weight: 300;font-size: 50px;padding-right: 25px;}";
ptr += ".temperature .reading{color: #F29C1F;}";
ptr += ".humidity .reading{color: #3B97D3;}";
ptr += ".pressure .reading{color: #26B99A;}";
ptr += ".altitude .reading{color: #955BA5;}";
ptr += ".superscript{font-size: 17px;font-weight: 600;position: absolute;top: 10px;}";
ptr += ".data{padding: 10px;}";
ptr += ".container{display: table;margin: 0 auto;}";
ptr += ".icon{width:65px}";
ptr += "</style>";
ptr += "</head>";
ptr += "<body>";
ptr += "<h1>ESP8266/ESP32 Mini Weather Station</h1>";
ptr += "<h3></h3>";
ptr += "<div class='container'>";
ptr += "<div class='data temperature'>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr += "<svg enable-background='new 0 0 19.438 54.003'height=54.003px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 19.438 54.003'width=19.438px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M11.976,8.82v-2h4.084V6.063C16.06,2.715,13.345,0,9.996,0H9.313C5.965,0,3.252,2.715,3.252,6.063v30.982";
ptr += "C1.261,38.825,0,41.403,0,44.286c0,5.367,4.351,9.718,9.719,9.718c5.368,0,9.719-4.351,9.719-9.718";
ptr += "c0-2.943-1.312-5.574-3.378-7.355V18.436h-3.914v-2h3.914v-2.808h-4.084v-2h4.084V8.82H11.976z M15.302,44.833";
ptr += "c0,3.083-2.5,5.583-5.583,5.583s-5.583-2.5-5.583-5.583c0-2.279,1.368-4.236,3.326-5.104V24.257C7.462,23.01,8.472,22,9.719,22";
ptr += "s2.257,1.01,2.257,2.257V39.73C13.934,40.597,15.302,42.554,15.302,44.833z'fill=#F29C21 /></g></svg>";
ptr += "</div>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side text'>Temperature</div>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr += (int)temperature;
ptr += "<span class='superscript'>°C</span></div>";
ptr += "</div>";
ptr += "<div class='data humidity'>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr += "<svg enable-background='new 0 0 29.235 40.64'height=40.64px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 29.235 40.64'width=29.235px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><path d='M14.618,0C14.618,0,0,17.95,0,26.022C0,34.096,6.544,40.64,14.618,40.64s14.617-6.544,14.617-14.617";
ptr += "C29.235,17.95,14.618,0,14.618,0z M13.667,37.135c-5.604,0-10.162-4.56-10.162-10.162c0-0.787,0.638-1.426,1.426-1.426";
ptr += "c0.787,0,1.425,0.639,1.425,1.426c0,4.031,3.28,7.312,7.311,7.312c0.787,0,1.425,0.638,1.425,1.425";
ptr += "C15.093,36.497,14.455,37.135,13.667,37.135z'fill=#3C97D3 /></svg>";
ptr += "</div>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side text'>Humidity</div>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr += (int)humidity;
ptr += "<span class='superscript'>%</span></div>";
ptr += "</div>";
ptr += "<div class='data pressure'>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr += "<svg enable-background='new 0 0 40.542 40.541'height=40.541px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 40.542 40.541'width=40.542px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M34.313,20.271c0-0.552,0.447-1,1-1h5.178c-0.236-4.841-2.163-9.228-5.214-12.593l-3.425,3.424";
ptr += "c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293c-0.391-0.391-0.391-1.023,0-1.414l3.425-3.424";
ptr += "c-3.375-3.059-7.776-4.987-12.634-5.215c0.015,0.067,0.041,0.13,0.041,0.202v4.687c0,0.552-0.447,1-1,1s-1-0.448-1-1V0.25";
ptr += "c0-0.071,0.026-0.134,0.041-0.202C14.39,0.279,9.936,2.256,6.544,5.385l3.576,3.577c0.391,0.391,0.391,1.024,0,1.414";
ptr += "c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293L5.142,6.812c-2.98,3.348-4.858,7.682-5.092,12.459h4.804";
ptr += "c0.552,0,1,0.448,1,1s-0.448,1-1,1H0.05c0.525,10.728,9.362,19.271,20.22,19.271c10.857,0,19.696-8.543,20.22-19.271h-5.178";
ptr += "C34.76,21.271,34.313,20.823,34.313,20.271z M23.084,22.037c-0.559,1.561-2.274,2.372-3.833,1.814";
ptr += "c-1.561-0.557-2.373-2.272-1.815-3.833c0.372-1.041,1.263-1.737,2.277-1.928L25.2,7.202L22.497,19.05";
ptr += "C23.196,19.843,23.464,20.973,23.084,22.037z'fill=#26B999 /></g></svg>";
ptr += "</div>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side text'>Pressure</div>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr += (int)pressure;
ptr += "<span class='superscript'>hPa</span></div>";
ptr += "</div>";
ptr += "<div class='data altitude'>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr += "<svg enable-background='new 0 0 58.422 40.639'height=40.639px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 58.422 40.639'width=58.422px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M58.203,37.754l0.007-0.004L42.09,9.935l-0.001,0.001c-0.356-0.543-0.969-0.902-1.667-0.902";
ptr += "c-0.655,0-1.231,0.32-1.595,0.808l-0.011-0.007l-0.039,0.067c-0.021,0.03-0.035,0.063-0.054,0.094L22.78,37.692l0.008,0.004";
ptr += "c-0.149,0.28-0.242,0.594-0.242,0.934c0,1.102,0.894,1.995,1.994,1.995v0.015h31.888c1.101,0,1.994-0.893,1.994-1.994";
ptr += "C58.422,38.323,58.339,38.024,58.203,37.754z'fill=#955BA5 /><path d='M19.704,38.674l-0.013-0.004l13.544-23.522L25.13,1.156l-0.002,0.001C24.671,0.459,23.885,0,22.985,0";
ptr += "c-0.84,0-1.582,0.41-2.051,1.038l-0.016-0.01L20.87,1.114c-0.025,0.039-0.046,0.082-0.068,0.124L0.299,36.851l0.013,0.004";
ptr += "C0.117,37.215,0,37.62,0,38.059c0,1.412,1.147,2.565,2.565,2.565v0.015h16.989c-0.091-0.256-0.149-0.526-0.149-0.813";
ptr += "C19.405,39.407,19.518,39.019,19.704,38.674z'fill=#955BA5 /></g></svg>";
ptr += "</div>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side text'>Altitude</div>";
ptr += "<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr += (int)altitude;
ptr += "<span class='superscript'>m</span></div>";
ptr += "</div>";
ptr += "</div>";
ptr += "</body>";
ptr += "</html>";
return ptr;
Program Code For ESP332
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_BME280.h>
#define SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA (1013.25)
Adafruit_BME280 bme;
float temperature, humidity, pressure, altitude;
/*Put your SSID & Password*/
const char* ssid = "Alsan Air WiFi 4"; // Enter SSID here
const char* password = "11122235122@kap1"; //Enter Password here
WebServer server(80);
void setup() {
Serial.println("Connecting to ");
//connect to your local wi-fi network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
//check wi-fi is connected to wi-fi network
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected..!");
Serial.print("Got IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
server.on("/", handle_OnConnect);
Serial.println("HTTP server started");
void loop() {
void handle_OnConnect() {
temperature = bme.readTemperature();
humidity = bme.readHumidity();
pressure = bme.readPressure() / 100.0F;
altitude = bme.readAltitude(SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA);
server.send(200, "text/html", SendHTML(temperature,humidity,pressure,altitude));
void handle_NotFound(){
server.send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");
String SendHTML(float temperature,float humidity,float pressure,float altitude){
String ptr = "<!DOCTYPE html>";
ptr +="<html>";
ptr +="<head>";
ptr +="<title>ESP Weather Station</title>";
ptr +="<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>";
ptr +="<link href=',400,600' rel='stylesheet'>";
ptr +="<style>";
ptr +="html { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;color: #444444;}";
ptr +="body{margin: 0px;} ";
ptr +="h1 {margin: 50px auto 30px;} ";
ptr +=".side-by-side{display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;position: relative;}";
ptr +=".text{font-weight: 600;font-size: 19px;width: 200px;}";
ptr +=".reading{font-weight: 300;font-size: 50px;padding-right: 25px;}";
ptr +=".temperature .reading{color: #F29C1F;}";
ptr +=".humidity .reading{color: #3B97D3;}";
ptr +=".pressure .reading{color: #26B99A;}";
ptr +=".altitude .reading{color: #955BA5;}";
ptr +=".superscript{font-size: 17px;font-weight: 600;position: absolute;top: 10px;}";
ptr +=".data{padding: 10px;}";
ptr +=".container{display: table;margin: 0 auto;}";
ptr +=".icon{width:65px}";
ptr +="</style>";
ptr +="</head>";
ptr +="<body>";
ptr +="<h1>ESP8266/ESP32 Mini Weather Station</h1>";
ptr +="<h3></h3>";
ptr +="<div class='container'>";
ptr +="<div class='data temperature'>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 19.438 54.003'height=54.003px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 19.438 54.003'width=19.438px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M11.976,8.82v-2h4.084V6.063C16.06,2.715,13.345,0,9.996,0H9.313C5.965,0,3.252,2.715,3.252,6.063v30.982";
ptr +="C1.261,38.825,0,41.403,0,44.286c0,5.367,4.351,9.718,9.719,9.718c5.368,0,9.719-4.351,9.719-9.718";
ptr +="c0-2.943-1.312-5.574-3.378-7.355V18.436h-3.914v-2h3.914v-2.808h-4.084v-2h4.084V8.82H11.976z M15.302,44.833";
ptr +="c0,3.083-2.5,5.583-5.583,5.583s-5.583-2.5-5.583-5.583c0-2.279,1.368-4.236,3.326-5.104V24.257C7.462,23.01,8.472,22,9.719,22";
ptr +="s2.257,1.01,2.257,2.257V39.73C13.934,40.597,15.302,42.554,15.302,44.833z'fill=#F29C21 /></g></svg>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Temperature</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr +=(int)temperature;
ptr +="<span class='superscript'>°C</span></div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='data humidity'>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 29.235 40.64'height=40.64px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 29.235 40.64'width=29.235px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><path d='M14.618,0C14.618,0,0,17.95,0,26.022C0,34.096,6.544,40.64,14.618,40.64s14.617-6.544,14.617-14.617";
ptr +="C29.235,17.95,14.618,0,14.618,0z M13.667,37.135c-5.604,0-10.162-4.56-10.162-10.162c0-0.787,0.638-1.426,1.426-1.426";
ptr +="c0.787,0,1.425,0.639,1.425,1.426c0,4.031,3.28,7.312,7.311,7.312c0.787,0,1.425,0.638,1.425,1.425";
ptr +="C15.093,36.497,14.455,37.135,13.667,37.135z'fill=#3C97D3 /></svg>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Humidity</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr +=(int)humidity;
ptr +="<span class='superscript'>%</span></div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='data pressure'>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 40.542 40.541'height=40.541px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 40.542 40.541'width=40.542px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M34.313,20.271c0-0.552,0.447-1,1-1h5.178c-0.236-4.841-2.163-9.228-5.214-12.593l-3.425,3.424";
ptr +="c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293c-0.391-0.391-0.391-1.023,0-1.414l3.425-3.424";
ptr +="c-3.375-3.059-7.776-4.987-12.634-5.215c0.015,0.067,0.041,0.13,0.041,0.202v4.687c0,0.552-0.447,1-1,1s-1-0.448-1-1V0.25";
ptr +="c0-0.071,0.026-0.134,0.041-0.202C14.39,0.279,9.936,2.256,6.544,5.385l3.576,3.577c0.391,0.391,0.391,1.024,0,1.414";
ptr +="c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293L5.142,6.812c-2.98,3.348-4.858,7.682-5.092,12.459h4.804";
ptr +="c0.552,0,1,0.448,1,1s-0.448,1-1,1H0.05c0.525,10.728,9.362,19.271,20.22,19.271c10.857,0,19.696-8.543,20.22-19.271h-5.178";
ptr +="C34.76,21.271,34.313,20.823,34.313,20.271z M23.084,22.037c-0.559,1.561-2.274,2.372-3.833,1.814";
ptr +="c-1.561-0.557-2.373-2.272-1.815-3.833c0.372-1.041,1.263-1.737,2.277-1.928L25.2,7.202L22.497,19.05";
ptr +="C23.196,19.843,23.464,20.973,23.084,22.037z'fill=#26B999 /></g></svg>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Pressure</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr +=(int)pressure;
ptr +="<span class='superscript'>hPa</span></div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='data altitude'>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 58.422 40.639'height=40.639px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 58.422 40.639'width=58.422px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M58.203,37.754l0.007-0.004L42.09,9.935l-0.001,0.001c-0.356-0.543-0.969-0.902-1.667-0.902";
ptr +="c-0.655,0-1.231,0.32-1.595,0.808l-0.011-0.007l-0.039,0.067c-0.021,0.03-0.035,0.063-0.054,0.094L22.78,37.692l0.008,0.004";
ptr +="c-0.149,0.28-0.242,0.594-0.242,0.934c0,1.102,0.894,1.995,1.994,1.995v0.015h31.888c1.101,0,1.994-0.893,1.994-1.994";
ptr +="C58.422,38.323,58.339,38.024,58.203,37.754z'fill=#955BA5 /><path d='M19.704,38.674l-0.013-0.004l13.544-23.522L25.13,1.156l-0.002,0.001C24.671,0.459,23.885,0,22.985,0";
ptr +="c-0.84,0-1.582,0.41-2.051,1.038l-0.016-0.01L20.87,1.114c-0.025,0.039-0.046,0.082-0.068,0.124L0.299,36.851l0.013,0.004";
ptr +="C0.117,37.215,0,37.62,0,38.059c0,1.412,1.147,2.565,2.565,2.565v0.015h16.989c-0.091-0.256-0.149-0.526-0.149-0.813";
ptr +="C19.405,39.407,19.518,39.019,19.704,38.674z'fill=#955BA5 /></g></svg>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Altitude</div>";
ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
ptr +=(int)altitude;
ptr +="<span class='superscript'>m</span></div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="</div>";
ptr +="</body>";
ptr +="</html>";
return ptr;

In this tutorial, we have shown you how to make BME280 Based Mini Weather Station using ESP8266/ESP32 Development Board. I hope this tutorial was interesting for you. If you need any type of help related to this project then do let me know in the comment section below.
Our Previous Post:
Congrats for your nice project, I have already implemented it using a Wemos D1-mini. I added a refresh of page every 30 sec but I would like ONLY the values of temp, hum and alt to be refreshed in an interval of time. Any suggestions would be welcome!