ESP8266IoT Projects

IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System Using ESP8266/ESP32 Web Server

Today’s project is all about IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System on ESP8266/ESP32 using MAX30100/102 Pulse Oximeter, DS18B20 temperature, and DHT11 Humidity & Temperature sensors. This system will Monitor the Health Status of Patient on ESP8266/ESP32 Web Server.

Overview: Patient Health Monitoring on ESP8266/EP32

Healthcare technology is very popular in today’s pandemic situation due to coronavirus. Actually, with the help of IoT healthcare technology is rapidly being revolutionized. Keeping track of your patient’s health status at home is a difficult task due to our busy schedule and our daily work. Especially, elderly patients should be monitored periodically. So we propose an innovative system that makes this task easily automated. Our equipment uses a smart webserver to track patient health using this tracking system. Hence, patient health parameters such as body temperature, heart rate, blood oxygen levels as well as room temperature and humidity can be monitored.

Patient Health Monitoring using ESP8266 or ESP32

In this project, we will learn how to build an IoT-based patient health monitoring system using ESP8266/ESP32. We can measure Heart Rate/Pulse (BPM) as well as Blood Oxygen Level (SpO2) using the MAX30100 /102 pulse oximeter sensor. We use the DS18B20 temperature sensor to measure body temperature. Similarly, the patient needs to be kept in a room having a certain temperature and humidity level. Hence, the patient does not feel uncomfortable in the room. To do this we also need to monitor the room temperature and humidity. So we use DHT11 Humidity and Temperature sensor.

Additionally, ESP8266 based IoT Health Care Panic Alarm for Elderly Folks projects makes this project more advanced. This system will alert/notifies you when your patient needs your help.

Components Required

The following are the components required for making patient health monitoring on the ESP board. All the components are easily available.

S.NComponents NameDescriptionQuantityGet Products from Amazon
1ESP32 BoardESP32 ESP-32S Development Board1
2NodeMCUESP8266 12E Development Board1
3DS18B20 SensorDS18B20 One-Wire Waterproof Temperature Sensor1
4DHT11 SensorDHT11 Digital Humidity Temperature Sensor1
5Pulse Oximeter SensorMAX30100/MAX30102 I2C Pulse Oximeter Sensor1
4Jumper WiresMale to Male Jumper Wires8
5BreadboardSolderless Breadboard MIni1

MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter Sensor

Oximeter MAX30100 sensor

DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

Water Proof Temperature Sensor DS18B20

What is DS18B20 Temperature waterproof Sensor?

This is a pre-wired and waterproof version of the DS18B20 sensor. Useful when you need to measure something far away, or in wet conditions. The sensor can measure temperatures from -55 to 125°C (-67°F to +257°F). Actually, the cable of this sensor is jacketed in PVC.
DS18B20 is a digital sensor, hence there is no signal degradation over long distances. It is fairly precise, i.e ±0.5°C over much of the range. It provides up to 12 bits of precision from the onboard digital-to-analog converter. This sensor works great with any microcontroller using a single digital pin.

The downside is it uses the Dallas 1-Wire protocol, which is somewhat complex and requires a bunch of code to communicate.

DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor

What DHT11 Sensor?

The DHT11 is a simple, ultra-low-cost digital temperature & humidity sensor. DHT11 uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding temperature and humidity. It sends data in digital signal form so no analog input pin is required.

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor

To grab data from DHT11 Sensor careful timing is required. It gets new data every 2 seconds. Hence, the readings of this sensor are always 2 seconds old.

To learn more about DHT11 Humidity/Temperature Sensor you can follow these posts: 

Circuit Diagram: Patient Health Monitoring System on ESP8266/ESP32

Now let us begin designing IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring with ESP8266/ESP32 Web Server. So the circuit diagram for interfacing MAX30100, DHT11 & DS18B20 with ESP8266 is given below.

Circuit Diagram of IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring using ESP8266
Circuit Diagram of IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring using ESP8266
MAX30100 PinsNodeMCU ESP8266 Pins
DS18B20 PinsNodeMCU ESP8266 Pins
DHT11 PinsNodeMCU ESP8266 PIns

Similarly, the circuit diagram for interfacing MAX30100, DHT11 & DS18B20 with ESP32 is provided below.

Circuit Diagam of IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring using ESP32
Circuit Diagam of IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring using ESP32
MAX30100 PinsESP32 Pins
DS18B20 PinsESP332 Pins
DHT11 PinsESP32 PIns

This is the circuit that I have assembled on a breadboard. This looks ugly and isn’t portable too. You can design custom PCBs for it.

Circuit assembled on breadboard

Source Code/Program

The Program/Source Code for IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System Using ESP8266/ESP32 Web Server is provided below. To run this program code in your Arduino IDE you need to install a few libraries. Download all the libraries mentioned below and add them to your Arduino IDE.

Patient Health Monitoring System Program Code for ESP8266

Before Uploading Code Make changes in the WiFi Network SSID & Password.

#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "MAX30100_PulseOximeter.h"
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
//#include <dht.h>
#include "DHT.h"

#define DHTTYPE DHT11
const int DHTPin = D5; 

#define DS18B20 D4
#define REPORTING_PERIOD_MS     1000

float temperature, humidity, BPM, SpO2, bodytemperature;

/*Put your SSID & Password*/
const char* ssid = "The IoT Projects";  // Enter SSID here
const char* password = "11122235122@kap";  //Enter Password here

DHT dht(DHTPin, DHTTYPE); //--> Initialize DHT sensor, DHT dht(Pin_used, Type_of_DHT_Sensor);
PulseOximeter pox;
uint32_t tsLastReport = 0;
OneWire oneWire(DS18B20);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

ESP8266WebServer server(80);

void onBeatDetected()

void setup() {
  pinMode(D5, OUTPUT);

  Serial.println("Connecting to ");

  //connect to your local wi-fi network
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  //check wi-fi is connected to wi-fi network
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("WiFi connected..!");
  Serial.print("Got IP: ");  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());

  server.on("/", handle_OnConnect);

  Serial.println("HTTP server started");

  Serial.print("Initializing pulse oximeter..");

  if (!pox.begin()) {
    for (;;);
  } else {


  // Register a callback for the beat detection

void loop() {
  float t = dht.readTemperature();
  String Temperature_Value = String(t);
  float h = dht.readHumidity();
  String Humidity_Value = String(h);
  temperature = t;
  humidity = h;
  BPM = pox.getHeartRate();
  SpO2 = pox.getSpO2();
  bodytemperature = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);

  if (millis() - tsLastReport > REPORTING_PERIOD_MS)
    Serial.print("Room Temperature: ");

    Serial.print("Room Humidity: ");

    Serial.print("BPM: ");

    Serial.print("SpO2: ");

    Serial.print("Body Temperature: ");


    tsLastReport = millis();


void handle_OnConnect() {

  server.send(200, "text/html", SendHTML(temperature, humidity, BPM, SpO2, bodytemperature));

void handle_NotFound() {
  server.send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");

String SendHTML(float temperature, float humidity, float BPM, float SpO2, float bodytemperature) {
  String ptr = "<!DOCTYPE html>";
  ptr += "<html>";
  ptr += "<head>";
  ptr += "<title>ESP Patient Health Monitoring</title>";
  ptr += "<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>";
  ptr += "<link href=',400,600' rel='stylesheet'>";
  ptr += "<style>";
  ptr += "html { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;color: #444444;}";
  ptr += "body{margin: 0px;} ";
  ptr += "h1 {margin: 50px auto 30px;} ";
  ptr += ".side-by-side{display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;position: relative;}";
  ptr += ".text{font-weight: 600;font-size: 19px;width: 200px;}";
  ptr += ".reading{font-weight: 300;font-size: 50px;padding-right: 25px;}";
  ptr += ".temperature .reading{color: #F29C1F;}";
  ptr += ".humidity .reading{color: #3B97D3;}";
  ptr += ".BPM .reading{color: #FF0000;}";
  ptr += ".SpO2 .reading{color: #955BA5;}";
  ptr += ".bodytemperature .reading{color: #F29C1F;}";
  ptr += ".superscript{font-size: 17px;font-weight: 600;position: absolute;top: 10px;}";
  ptr += ".data{padding: 10px;}";
  ptr += ".container{display: table;margin: 0 auto;}";
  ptr += ".icon{width:65px}";
  ptr += "</style>";
  ptr += "</head>";
  ptr += "<body>";
  ptr += "<h1>ESP8266/ESP32 Patient Health Monitoring</h1>";
  ptr += "<h3></a></h3>";
  ptr += "<div class='container'>";

  ptr += "<div class='data temperature'>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr += "<svg enable-background='new 0 0 19.438 54.003'height=54.003px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 19.438 54.003'width=19.438px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M11.976,8.82v-2h4.084V6.063C16.06,2.715,13.345,0,9.996,0H9.313C5.965,0,3.252,2.715,3.252,6.063v30.982";
  ptr += "C1.261,38.825,0,41.403,0,44.286c0,5.367,4.351,9.718,9.719,9.718c5.368,0,9.719-4.351,9.719-9.718";
  ptr += "c0-2.943-1.312-5.574-3.378-7.355V18.436h-3.914v-2h3.914v-2.808h-4.084v-2h4.084V8.82H11.976z M15.302,44.833";
  ptr += "c0,3.083-2.5,5.583-5.583,5.583s-5.583-2.5-5.583-5.583c0-2.279,1.368-4.236,3.326-5.104V24.257C7.462,23.01,8.472,22,9.719,22";
  ptr += "s2.257,1.01,2.257,2.257V39.73C13.934,40.597,15.302,42.554,15.302,44.833z'fill=#F29C21 /></g></svg>";
  ptr += "</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side text'>Room Temperature</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  //ptr += (int)temperature;
  ptr += (int)35;
  ptr += "<span class='superscript'>°C</span></div>";
  ptr += "</div>";

  ptr += "<div class='data humidity'>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr += "<svg enable-background='new 0 0 29.235 40.64'height=40.64px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 29.235 40.64'width=29.235px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><path d='M14.618,0C14.618,0,0,17.95,0,26.022C0,34.096,6.544,40.64,14.618,40.64s14.617-6.544,14.617-14.617";
  ptr += "C29.235,17.95,14.618,0,14.618,0z M13.667,37.135c-5.604,0-10.162-4.56-10.162-10.162c0-0.787,0.638-1.426,1.426-1.426";
  ptr += "c0.787,0,1.425,0.639,1.425,1.426c0,4.031,3.28,7.312,7.311,7.312c0.787,0,1.425,0.638,1.425,1.425";
  ptr += "C15.093,36.497,14.455,37.135,13.667,37.135z'fill=#3C97D3 /></svg>";
  ptr += "</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side text'>Room Humidity</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  //ptr += (int)humidity;
  ptr += (int)60;
  ptr += "<span class='superscript'>%</span></div>";
  ptr += "</div>";

  ptr += "<div class='data Heart Rate'>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr += "<svg enable-background='new 0 0 40.542 40.541'height=40.541px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 40.542 40.541'width=40.542px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M34.313,20.271c0-0.552,0.447-1,1-1h5.178c-0.236-4.841-2.163-9.228-5.214-12.593l-3.425,3.424";
  ptr += "c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293c-0.391-0.391-0.391-1.023,0-1.414l3.425-3.424";
  ptr += "c-3.375-3.059-7.776-4.987-12.634-5.215c0.015,0.067,0.041,0.13,0.041,0.202v4.687c0,0.552-0.447,1-1,1s-1-0.448-1-1V0.25";
  ptr += "c0-0.071,0.026-0.134,0.041-0.202C14.39,0.279,9.936,2.256,6.544,5.385l3.576,3.577c0.391,0.391,0.391,1.024,0,1.414";
  ptr += "c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293L5.142,6.812c-2.98,3.348-4.858,7.682-5.092,12.459h4.804";
  ptr += "c0.552,0,1,0.448,1,1s-0.448,1-1,1H0.05c0.525,10.728,9.362,19.271,20.22,19.271c10.857,0,19.696-8.543,20.22-19.271h-5.178";
  ptr += "C34.76,21.271,34.313,20.823,34.313,20.271z M23.084,22.037c-0.559,1.561-2.274,2.372-3.833,1.814";
  ptr += "c-1.561-0.557-2.373-2.272-1.815-3.833c0.372-1.041,1.263-1.737,2.277-1.928L25.2,7.202L22.497,19.05";
  ptr += "C23.196,19.843,23.464,20.973,23.084,22.037z'fill=#26B999 /></g></svg>";
  ptr += "</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side text'>Heart Rate</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  ptr += (int)BPM;
  ptr += "<span class='superscript'>BPM</span></div>";
  ptr += "</div>";

  ptr += "<div class='data Blood Oxygen'>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr += "<svg enable-background='new 0 0 58.422 40.639'height=40.639px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 58.422 40.639'width=58.422px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M58.203,37.754l0.007-0.004L42.09,9.935l-0.001,0.001c-0.356-0.543-0.969-0.902-1.667-0.902";
  ptr += "c-0.655,0-1.231,0.32-1.595,0.808l-0.011-0.007l-0.039,0.067c-0.021,0.03-0.035,0.063-0.054,0.094L22.78,37.692l0.008,0.004";
  ptr += "c-0.149,0.28-0.242,0.594-0.242,0.934c0,1.102,0.894,1.995,1.994,1.995v0.015h31.888c1.101,0,1.994-0.893,1.994-1.994";
  ptr += "C58.422,38.323,58.339,38.024,58.203,37.754z'fill=#955BA5 /><path d='M19.704,38.674l-0.013-0.004l13.544-23.522L25.13,1.156l-0.002,0.001C24.671,0.459,23.885,0,22.985,0";
  ptr += "c-0.84,0-1.582,0.41-2.051,1.038l-0.016-0.01L20.87,1.114c-0.025,0.039-0.046,0.082-0.068,0.124L0.299,36.851l0.013,0.004";
  ptr += "C0.117,37.215,0,37.62,0,38.059c0,1.412,1.147,2.565,2.565,2.565v0.015h16.989c-0.091-0.256-0.149-0.526-0.149-0.813";
  ptr += "C19.405,39.407,19.518,39.019,19.704,38.674z'fill=#955BA5 /></g></svg>";
  ptr += "</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side text'>Blood Oxygen</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  ptr += (int)SpO2;
  ptr += "<span class='superscript'>%</span></div>";
  ptr += "</div>";

  ptr += "<div class='data Body Temperature'>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr += "<svg enable-background='new 0 0 19.438 54.003'height=54.003px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 19.438 54.003'width=19.438px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M11.976,8.82v-2h4.084V6.063C16.06,2.715,13.345,0,9.996,0H9.313C5.965,0,3.252,2.715,3.252,6.063v30.982";
  ptr += "C1.261,38.825,0,41.403,0,44.286c0,5.367,4.351,9.718,9.719,9.718c5.368,0,9.719-4.351,9.719-9.718";
  ptr += "c0-2.943-1.312-5.574-3.378-7.355V18.436h-3.914v-2h3.914v-2.808h-4.084v-2h4.084V8.82H11.976z M15.302,44.833";
  ptr += "c0,3.083-2.5,5.583-5.583,5.583s-5.583-2.5-5.583-5.583c0-2.279,1.368-4.236,3.326-5.104V24.257C7.462,23.01,8.472,22,9.719,22";
  ptr += "s2.257,1.01,2.257,2.257V39.73C13.934,40.597,15.302,42.554,15.302,44.833z'fill=#F29C21 /></g></svg>";
  ptr += "</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side text'>Body Temperature</div>";
  ptr += "<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  ptr += (int)bodytemperature;
  ptr += "<span class='superscript'>°C</span></div>";
  ptr += "</div>";

  ptr += "</div>";
  ptr += "</body>";
  ptr += "</html>";
  return ptr;

Patient Health Monitoring System Program Code for ESP32

Before Uploading Code Make changes in the WiFi Network SSID & Password.

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "MAX30100_PulseOximeter.h"
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <dht.h>  
#define DHT11_PIN 18
#define DS18B20 5
#define REPORTING_PERIOD_MS     1000
float temperature, humidity, BPM, SpO2, bodytemperature;
/*Put your SSID & Password*/
const char* ssid = "The IoT Projects";  // Enter SSID here
const char* password = "11122235122@kap";  //Enter Password here
dht DHT;
PulseOximeter pox;
uint32_t tsLastReport = 0;
OneWire oneWire(DS18B20);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
WebServer server(80);             
void onBeatDetected()
void setup() {
  pinMode(19, OUTPUT);
  Serial.println("Connecting to ");
  //connect to your local wi-fi network
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  //check wi-fi is connected to wi-fi network
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("WiFi connected..!");
  Serial.print("Got IP: ");  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
  server.on("/", handle_OnConnect);
  Serial.println("HTTP server started");
  Serial.print("Initializing pulse oximeter..");
  if (!pox.begin()) {
    for (;;);
  } else {
  // Register a callback for the beat detection
void loop() {
  int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN);
  temperature = DHT.temperature;
  humidity = DHT.humidity;
  BPM = pox.getHeartRate();
  SpO2 = pox.getSpO2();
  bodytemperature = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
  if (millis() - tsLastReport > REPORTING_PERIOD_MS) 
    Serial.print("Room Temperature: ");
    Serial.print("Room Humidity: ");
    Serial.print("BPM: ");
    Serial.print("SpO2: ");
    Serial.print("Body Temperature: ");
    tsLastReport = millis();
void handle_OnConnect() {
  server.send(200, "text/html", SendHTML(temperature, humidity, BPM, SpO2, bodytemperature)); 
void handle_NotFound(){
  server.send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");
  String SendHTML(float temperature,float humidity,float BPM,float SpO2, float bodytemperature){
  String ptr = "<!DOCTYPE html>";
  ptr +="<html>";
  ptr +="<head>";
  ptr +="<title>ESP Patient Health Monitoring</title>";
  ptr +="<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>";
  ptr +="<link href=',400,600' rel='stylesheet'>";
  ptr +="<style>";
  ptr +="html { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;color: #444444;}";
  ptr +="body{margin: 0px;} ";
  ptr +="h1 {margin: 50px auto 30px;} ";
  ptr +=".side-by-side{display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;position: relative;}";
  ptr +=".text{font-weight: 600;font-size: 19px;width: 200px;}";
  ptr +=".reading{font-weight: 300;font-size: 50px;padding-right: 25px;}";
  ptr +=".temperature .reading{color: #F29C1F;}";
  ptr +=".humidity .reading{color: #3B97D3;}";
  ptr +=".BPM .reading{color: #FF0000;}";
  ptr +=".SpO2 .reading{color: #955BA5;}";
  ptr +=".bodytemperature .reading{color: #F29C1F;}";
  ptr +=".superscript{font-size: 17px;font-weight: 600;position: absolute;top: 10px;}";
  ptr +=".data{padding: 10px;}";
  ptr +=".container{display: table;margin: 0 auto;}";
  ptr +=".icon{width:65px}";
  ptr +="</style>";
  ptr +="</head>";
  ptr +="<body>";
  ptr +="<h1>ESP8266/ESP32 Patient Health Monitoring</h1>";
  ptr +="<h3></h3>";
  ptr +="<div class='container'>";
  ptr +="<div class='data temperature'>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 19.438 54.003'height=54.003px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 19.438 54.003'width=19.438px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M11.976,8.82v-2h4.084V6.063C16.06,2.715,13.345,0,9.996,0H9.313C5.965,0,3.252,2.715,3.252,6.063v30.982";
  ptr +="C1.261,38.825,0,41.403,0,44.286c0,5.367,4.351,9.718,9.719,9.718c5.368,0,9.719-4.351,9.719-9.718";
  ptr +="c0-2.943-1.312-5.574-3.378-7.355V18.436h-3.914v-2h3.914v-2.808h-4.084v-2h4.084V8.82H11.976z M15.302,44.833";
  ptr +="c0,3.083-2.5,5.583-5.583,5.583s-5.583-2.5-5.583-5.583c0-2.279,1.368-4.236,3.326-5.104V24.257C7.462,23.01,8.472,22,9.719,22";
  ptr +="s2.257,1.01,2.257,2.257V39.73C13.934,40.597,15.302,42.554,15.302,44.833z'fill=#F29C21 /></g></svg>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Room Temperature</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  ptr +=(int)temperature;
  ptr +="<span class='superscript'>°C</span></div>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='data humidity'>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 29.235 40.64'height=40.64px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 29.235 40.64'width=29.235px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><path d='M14.618,0C14.618,0,0,17.95,0,26.022C0,34.096,6.544,40.64,14.618,40.64s14.617-6.544,14.617-14.617";
  ptr +="C29.235,17.95,14.618,0,14.618,0z M13.667,37.135c-5.604,0-10.162-4.56-10.162-10.162c0-0.787,0.638-1.426,1.426-1.426";
  ptr +="c0.787,0,1.425,0.639,1.425,1.426c0,4.031,3.28,7.312,7.311,7.312c0.787,0,1.425,0.638,1.425,1.425";
  ptr +="C15.093,36.497,14.455,37.135,13.667,37.135z'fill=#3C97D3 /></svg>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Room Humidity</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  ptr +=(int)humidity;
  ptr +="<span class='superscript'>%</span></div>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='data Heart Rate'>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 40.542 40.541'height=40.541px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 40.542 40.541'width=40.542px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M34.313,20.271c0-0.552,0.447-1,1-1h5.178c-0.236-4.841-2.163-9.228-5.214-12.593l-3.425,3.424";
  ptr +="c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293c-0.391-0.391-0.391-1.023,0-1.414l3.425-3.424";
  ptr +="c-3.375-3.059-7.776-4.987-12.634-5.215c0.015,0.067,0.041,0.13,0.041,0.202v4.687c0,0.552-0.447,1-1,1s-1-0.448-1-1V0.25";
  ptr +="c0-0.071,0.026-0.134,0.041-0.202C14.39,0.279,9.936,2.256,6.544,5.385l3.576,3.577c0.391,0.391,0.391,1.024,0,1.414";
  ptr +="c-0.195,0.195-0.451,0.293-0.707,0.293s-0.512-0.098-0.707-0.293L5.142,6.812c-2.98,3.348-4.858,7.682-5.092,12.459h4.804";
  ptr +="c0.552,0,1,0.448,1,1s-0.448,1-1,1H0.05c0.525,10.728,9.362,19.271,20.22,19.271c10.857,0,19.696-8.543,20.22-19.271h-5.178";
  ptr +="C34.76,21.271,34.313,20.823,34.313,20.271z M23.084,22.037c-0.559,1.561-2.274,2.372-3.833,1.814";
  ptr +="c-1.561-0.557-2.373-2.272-1.815-3.833c0.372-1.041,1.263-1.737,2.277-1.928L25.2,7.202L22.497,19.05";
  ptr +="C23.196,19.843,23.464,20.973,23.084,22.037z'fill=#26B999 /></g></svg>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Heart Rate</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  ptr +=(int)BPM;
  ptr +="<span class='superscript'>BPM</span></div>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='data Blood Oxygen'>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 58.422 40.639'height=40.639px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 58.422 40.639'width=58.422px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M58.203,37.754l0.007-0.004L42.09,9.935l-0.001,0.001c-0.356-0.543-0.969-0.902-1.667-0.902";
  ptr +="c-0.655,0-1.231,0.32-1.595,0.808l-0.011-0.007l-0.039,0.067c-0.021,0.03-0.035,0.063-0.054,0.094L22.78,37.692l0.008,0.004";
  ptr +="c-0.149,0.28-0.242,0.594-0.242,0.934c0,1.102,0.894,1.995,1.994,1.995v0.015h31.888c1.101,0,1.994-0.893,1.994-1.994";
  ptr +="C58.422,38.323,58.339,38.024,58.203,37.754z'fill=#955BA5 /><path d='M19.704,38.674l-0.013-0.004l13.544-23.522L25.13,1.156l-0.002,0.001C24.671,0.459,23.885,0,22.985,0";
  ptr +="c-0.84,0-1.582,0.41-2.051,1.038l-0.016-0.01L20.87,1.114c-0.025,0.039-0.046,0.082-0.068,0.124L0.299,36.851l0.013,0.004";
  ptr +="C0.117,37.215,0,37.62,0,38.059c0,1.412,1.147,2.565,2.565,2.565v0.015h16.989c-0.091-0.256-0.149-0.526-0.149-0.813";
  ptr +="C19.405,39.407,19.518,39.019,19.704,38.674z'fill=#955BA5 /></g></svg>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Blood Oxygen</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  ptr +=(int)SpO2;
  ptr +="<span class='superscript'>%</span></div>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='data Body Temperature'>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side icon'>";
  ptr +="<svg enable-background='new 0 0 19.438 54.003'height=54.003px id=Layer_1 version=1.1 viewBox='0 0 19.438 54.003'width=19.438px x=0px xml:space=preserve xmlns= xmlns:xlink= y=0px><g><path d='M11.976,8.82v-2h4.084V6.063C16.06,2.715,13.345,0,9.996,0H9.313C5.965,0,3.252,2.715,3.252,6.063v30.982";
  ptr +="C1.261,38.825,0,41.403,0,44.286c0,5.367,4.351,9.718,9.719,9.718c5.368,0,9.719-4.351,9.719-9.718";
  ptr +="c0-2.943-1.312-5.574-3.378-7.355V18.436h-3.914v-2h3.914v-2.808h-4.084v-2h4.084V8.82H11.976z M15.302,44.833";
  ptr +="c0,3.083-2.5,5.583-5.583,5.583s-5.583-2.5-5.583-5.583c0-2.279,1.368-4.236,3.326-5.104V24.257C7.462,23.01,8.472,22,9.719,22";
  ptr +="s2.257,1.01,2.257,2.257V39.73C13.934,40.597,15.302,42.554,15.302,44.833z'fill=#F29C21 /></g></svg>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side text'>Body Temperature</div>";
  ptr +="<div class='side-by-side reading'>";
  ptr +=(int)bodytemperature;
  ptr +="<span class='superscript'>°C</span></div>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="</div>";
  ptr +="</body>";
  ptr +="</html>";
  return ptr;

Project Demonstration

Once the code is uploaded to your respective board, you can open the serial monitor to see the program into action. The NodeMCU ESP8266/ESP32 will try to connect to your WiFi Network. Once connected, it will display the ESP IP Address.

IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring using ESP8266-ESP32 Web Server

Now, copy the ESP8266/ESP32 IP Address and paste on Web Browser. It will display you the room temperature, room humidity, Heart Rate, Blood Oxygen Level, and Body Temperature, etc. as shown in the below images.

IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring using ESP8266-ESP32 Web

Similarly, you can monitor your patient’s health from any device that features a browser. The below image is the view of the Patient Health Status on Android SmartPhone. Simply copy the ESP IP Address and paste on the browser of any device.

Patient Health Monitoring using ESP8266-ESP32 Web Server


In this tutorial, we have shown you how to make IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System Using ESP8266/ESP32 Web Server. I hope this tutorial was interesting to you. If you need any type of help related to this project then do let me know in the comment section below.

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  1. It does not working.. The MAX30100 is showing the values as 0 although the Temperature value is coming.. Please give a resolution

  2. i have some problem … the max30100 not masaring .. led is on but not masaring bpm.00% and spo0.0% .. all the connections is ok ..

    1. Solder max30100 pins it always create problems like this due to loose connections. Mine problem was solved after soldering.

      1. Hello how are you, I would like to know how I can remove the server from esp and host it on an online server could you give me a route to start investigating

  3. i use another code from examples and the max 30100 is good and worked well .. but when use the project code in thes page is remain bpm0.0% spo 0.0% .. please help me on thes project

  4. In file included from C:\Users\HP\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DHT_sensor_library\dht.h:18:0,

    from C:\Users\HP\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DHT_sensor_library\dht.cpp:30:

    C:\Users\HP\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DHT_sensor_library\dht.cpp: In member function ‘int dht::_readSensor(uint8_t, uint8_t)’:

    C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.4\cores\esp32/Arduino.h:106:91: error: cannot convert ‘volatile uint32_t* {aka volatile unsigned int*}’ to ‘volatile uint8_t* {aka volatile unsigned char*}’ in initialization

    #define portInputRegister(port) ((volatile uint32_t*)((port)?GPIO_IN1_REG:GPIO_IN_REG))


    C:\Users\HP\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DHT_sensor_library\dht.cpp:116:29: note: in expansion of macro ‘portInputRegister’

    volatile uint8_t *PIR = portInputRegister(port);


    Multiple libraries were found for “WiFi.h”
    Used: C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.4\libraries\WiFi
    Not used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\WiFi
    exit status 1
    Error compiling for board ESP32 Dev Module.

  5. problum only with max30100, the small IC 6pins getting very hot, its not working……. pls help

  6. please i want to know if the readings can be accessed anywhere with internet connections or is it just ordinary wifi connection? also, i will be glad if you can help me ot with esp32 and esp8266 proteus library

  7. i did that but on the serial monitor the oximeter is showing 0 value for pulse and S02. it is not changing value. only humidity, bodytemperature and roomtemperature is working.

  8. Please,I have the same problem. When I use only max30100 it works,after I use both ds18b20 and max30100,the values for max30100 are 0. Can you help me please? It’s important to fix it as soon as possible 🙁 I realised that when I use only an example,not with espwifi library,they both work perfectly. When I puts the code for web server,only temperatur values are good.

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